Bill Wayne for 51st Dist

For issues and discussions on my races for Missouri House, formerly 121st District, now the 51st.

Saturday, September 23, 2006


Wednesday I went to the UCM (formerly CMSU) Political Awareness event at the Union. Not well attended by students or faculty, unfortunately. Only one corridor got much traffic, but I did get to meet some other people running for various offices.

Thursday-Saturday (Sep 28-30) I'll be at the Holden Fall Fiesta with a booth and also in the parade. Holden is in the 121st District, but a lot of their market area isn't - but the issues of property rights and eminent domain are important to all. If you'd like to talk to me about property rights, see me there.

I talked to the UCM 3rd Party Alliance about a candidate debate at UCM. Democratic canddiate Jeffrey Alvorado and I are both intersted; from what I hear incumbent David Pearce isn't. If it comes off, it'll likely be in mid-October.

I'm also awaiting word on when the Farm Bureau candidate forum will take place. I know they're already committed to Pearce but perhaps I can sway a few votes there with property rights issues that are unaddressed.



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